US House of Representatives bill (H.R. 3354) will leave core functions of the US Environmental Protection Agency with even less money to carry out critical responsibilities than provided in President Trump’s 2018 budget proposal. The US House voted to cut core functions - which include writing and enforcing anti-pollution rules - and monitoring and protecting the quality of our air and water, by 27% below last year’s level. The House bill also reduces spending for “Science and Technology” – which pays for EPA’s assessment of the health and environmental risks of various pollutants – by 16% below last year’s level.
Urge your Senators to vote against cuts to EPA’s budget and restore funding to 2017 levels so that EPA can fulfill its mission to protect the environment and public health.
A full analysis of the US House of Representatives budget cuts to EPA is here.
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US House cuts EPA's budget deeper than the White House. Tell your Senators to maintain EPA's budget. http://bit.ly/2yvVeUh